Gura Bootcamp

General info

  • From September 6th to 8th , 2024 (2 nights)

  • Fitness weekend with Z6 instructed workouts and activities in the forest reserve around our campground.

  • Meals and camping fees included.

  • Family members are welcome to join!

  • Location: Gura River Camp (just under 3 hrs from Nairobi).

How to book

What’s included / what’s not

  • Price per adult participant for the whole weekend: 13,000 Ksh which includes

    • Fitness activities with Z6 instructors - see details below

    • Meals - see details below

    • Camping - see details below

  • Price per accompanying adult not participating in fitness (just camping and meals) for the whole weekend: 8,000 Ksh

  • Price per accompanying child over 3 years of age (just camping and meals) for the whole weekend: 6,000 Ksh


  • Saturday

    • Morning - A coach led group dynamic warm by the Z6 team followed by a groups bodyweight circuit workout topped off with a core finisher. 

    • Afternoon - A partner/ team challenge that is is both time and rep based. This will require strategy and wit as we navigate the Gura camp forest areas facing an array of challenges.

  • Sunday

    • Morning - A coach led mobility/recovery class to prepare for week ahead 


Our team will prepare healthy, fresh meals with vegetables, fruits and meats sourced from the village and surrounding areas.

  • We will have drinking water, coffee and tea on site and will sell juices, beer and wine at an extra cost.

  • If you have any dietary requirements please let us know here.


  • We have hot showers upon request and compost toilets.

  • Bring your own tent or car with rooftop tent OR go ahead and rent gear from Kifaru Kampers if you are missing anything.